oil is widely known for it's deep penetrating and quick absorption qualities.
Jojoba Oil is also an excellent emollient.
JOJOBA OIL Crushed from the seed of a shrub (Simmondsia Chinenis) from
the Sonoran Desert Areas of Southern California. Its common Spanish
name pronounces the "J" as a "H" in English. "Ho-Ho-Ba" Spanish missionaries
noted the use of the oil by Indian tribes (Apache notably) for cosmetic,
medical, and nutritional purposes. Twentieth century research uncovered
the similarity to whale oil.
THE SPERM WHALE & JOJOBA U.S.A. university studies in the twenties and
thirties confirmed the fact that the valuable sperm whale oil and JoJoba
oil had identical characteristics and structure with the notable exception
of a fishy odour. JoJoba became a complete replacement for whale oil
in industry and cosmetics.
INSAPONIFIABLES AND YOUR SKIN Research shows that insaponifiables applied
to skin increase the dermal state of elastin. Starting from our early
twenties (even younger if we spend a lot of time in the sun) our skin
starts to lose its elasticity. It literally cracks with the progressive
loss of elastin fibre. All vegetable oils contain insaponifiables to
some degree, most around 2 to 3%. JoJoba has 50%. Used daily in your
skin care program you can help fight time and wrinkles. Can be used
for males as well as females.
JOJOBA IN COSMETICS There are several cosmetic preparations using some
percentage of JoJoba. A little is good for your skin -
A LOT IS BETTER! Add pure JoJoba oil to your favourite face and body
cream and use the oil undiluted as a skin food, and as a cleanser. You
can feel and see the difference ! And for a modest outlay. As an oil
it goes a long way. This is not an impossible fantasy in a fancy bottle
at an impossible price. JoJoba is odourless and absorbs deep into the
skin, resulting in a smooth satin appearance, it does not lay on top
looking sticky.
SKIN CARE Use daily and after exposure to the elements. Use 100% pure
oil. Add JoJoba to your day or night cream.
CLEANSER Use JoJoba as a cleanser, and if you are late home or tired,
one cleansing and nourishment is enough to let you tumble into bed.
SCARS & MARKS Apply JoJoba often. If possible, warm it first for quicker
FREQUENT JoJoba applications with a super rich body lotion - preferably
with Aloe Vera and vitamin E. Two to four times daily.
COLD SORES Pure JoJoba oil should be massaged in at first symptoms.
BRUISES Apply two to four times daily and massage gently.
ACNE Wash face thoroughly with a good soap (not the highly perfumed
type), rinse well with warm water and apply a little JoJoba and massage
in twice daily. Use Aloe Vera jelly and Australian tea tree oil in alternate
applications. Watch your diet by avoiding fatty foods and dairy products.
Cleanse the body internally and keep bowels open. These principles need
to be followed with much patience over a long period. Don't despair.
Pure JoJoba oil will help break up the scar tissue.
SCALP & HAIR CLEANSING Massage oil into scalp and hair 15 minutes before
shampooing and conditioning. JoJoba is naturally
P.H. balanced. Particularly beneficial for dry or bleached hair.
HANDS & NAILS JoJoba oil nourishes hands and nails in one economical
application. Leave a bottle of oil near the sink and apply after immersing
hands in water. Rub JoJoba oil well into the wick area.
1QT $29
1/2 Gallon $55
1 Gallon$100